Enriching the Library through volunteer and fundraising efforts.
Join Friends of the Library!
Now more than 140 members strong, Friends of the Vigo County Public Library is dedicated to promoting the Library as a cultural, educational and recreational asset to the community and to strengthening support for the Library by increasing awareness of library resources, programs, and services.
Next Book Sale:
Saturday, February 1, 9 A.M. – 4 P.M.
Sunday, February 2, 1 – 3 P.M.
Get Involved & Support the Library
Members provide a voice in the community for the Library needs.
Donate books, puzzles, games, DVDs and more to Friends of the Library.
Follow Us
Follow us on Facebook for sale dates and volunteer opportunities.

About Friends of the Library
The Friends of the Vigo County Public Library was organized in 1984 by a small group of enthusiastic supporters who were united by a common concern for the well-being of the Vigo County Public Library. In 1992, the Friends of the Library became a 501(c)(3) organization.
All revenue earned from fundraising is committed to strengthening the Library as a valuable resource for the citizens of Vigo County, bringing together people, ideas, and information.
What do the Friends of the Vigo County Public Library do?
Membership dues, income from monthly book sales, and sales in the Friends’ Little Book Shop enable the Friends to fund Library programs and services that go beyond the Library’s budget. During 2018-2019 the Friends have provided funding for the following:
Youth programming:
- After-School Programming
- Books for Babies
- First Grade Library Tours
- MakerCamp Programming
- Safe Sitter Course
- Summer Reading Program for Youth
- Teen Programming
Adult programming:
- Adult Programming
- Adult Summer Reading Programming
- Adult Recreation Programs
- Armchair Travels
- Big Read 2019
- English as a Second Language Programming
- Partnership with Habitat for Humanity
- Writing Club
Family programming:
- Family Gaming Events & Giant Yard Games
- Family Learning Day
- Family Literacy
- First Friday Activities
- Library Movies (Watch This!)
- Never Too Late to Learn
- Trick-or-Treat @ the Library
- 2019 Summer Reading Program: A Universe of Stories
How can I help the Friends of the Library?
You can support the Friends of the Library by becoming a member and volunteering! Members can volunteer to:
- Work at weekend, annual, and holiday book sales;
- Price and sort books;
- Assist with special projects and events;
- Serve on the Friends’ board and/or other committees;
- Serve as a guest host or greeter for special occasions;
- Provide a voice in the community for the Library needs, and represent the interests of Library users to elected officials and legislators.
Not a member but still want to help? You can:
- Donate books and other items to the Friends’ (and encourage your friends and family to do the same);
- Make a monetary donation to the Friends;
- Purchase gently used items from the Friends’ book sales and the Friends’ Little Book Shop located in Community Connections at the Main Library;
- Purchase a Friends of the Library tote bag;
- Shop with AmazonSmile.
What items do the Friends of the Library accept for donation?
The Friends of the Library accepts the following items for donation:
- Current books;
- Current magazines;
- Puzzles and games;
- Video and audio materials;
- Current computer software;
- Comic books;
- Out of print and old/rare/unusual books.
Please do not donate: dirty, moldy or damaged materials; items marked Gallery Proof, not for sale, or advanced reading copy; textbooks or encyclopedia sets that are more than five years old.
Are my donations tax-deductible?
Yes, they are. When making your donation, please request a Material Donation Receipt form for tax purposes.
When is the next book sale?
Friends’ book sales are normally held the first weekend of every month. Follow the Friends on Facebook for updates on upcoming sales. If you can’t wait until the next sale, try the Friends’ Little Book Shop located in Community Connections at the Main Library.
Board of Trustees
The Friends organization is managed by a 15-member board of volunteers who meet on the first Wednesday of each month to conduct Friends business. The organization’s membership year is May to April.
Susie Luedke
Jim Cottom
Vice President
Mary Ann Weaver
Ash Huttegger
See Bylaws
Article I. Name
Section 1.
The name of this non-profit organization shall be Friends of the Vigo County Public Library (hereinafter referred to as the “Organization”).
Article II. Mission
Section 1.
The mission of the Organization is to promote the Vigo County Public Library as a cultural, educational and recreational asset to the community and to strengthen support for the Library by increasing awareness of library resources, programming and services. The Organization is organized to benefit the Vigo County Public Library, a Class 1 Library under Indiana laws, and exclusively for charitable, religious, educational and scientific purposes permissible for exempt organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code as amended from time to time as the Board shall determine.
Article III. General Membership
Section 1.
General Membership: There shall be a minimum of five classifications of membership: Individual, Family, Sponsor, Contributor, and Benefactor. Any individual may become a member by payment of annual membership contribution in any amount to be determined by the Organization’s Board of Directors.
Section 2.
Contributions/Bequests: Contributions and bequests will be encouraged and accepted in any amount at any time. They may be made for any reason, or in honor or in memory of an individual or entity.
Article IV. Membership Meetings
Section 1.
Annual Meeting: The Organization shall hold a Spring Annual Meeting of the membership on the Friday night preceding the Spring Annual Book Sale for the purpose of receiving a financial report, electing new Officers and Directors, and any other matter to be considered at the meeting of an informative nature or which requires approval of the membership. Written notice of the Spring Annual Meeting shall be given to all current members of the Organization no less than thirty (30) and no more than sixty (60) days before the date the meeting is to be held. Such notice shall include the date, time and place of the meeting, and a description of any matter to be considered at the meeting.
Section 2.
Special Meetings: Special meetings of the membership may be called by the President. Notice of such special meeting must be given each member of the Organization either orally no less than ten (10) days before the meeting, or written no less than thirty (30) days and no more than sixty (60) days before the date of the meeting. Such notice shall include the date, time, and place of the meeting, and the purpose or purposes for which the meeting has been called.
Section 3.
Quorum: A quorum shall consist of at least 1/3 (one-third) of the members who have paid their membership contribution who may attend either in person or by proxy to the extent allowed by law.
Article V. Board of Directors
Section 1.
Election to the Board. The Executive Board of the Organization shall consist of four (4) Officers who shall also be Directors. Officers shall consist of President, Vice President for Membership, Secretary, and Treasurer. Eleven (11) additional elected directors will complete the Board of Directors.
A nominating committee of three (3) members appointed by the President shall present a slate of Officers and Directors. This slate of Officers and Directors shall be presented to the membership by mail along with the notice of the Spring Annual Meeting. Additional nominations with the consent of the nominee may be made from the floor at the Spring Annual Meeting.
A nominating committee of three (3) members appointed by the President shall fill a vacancy of any Officer or Director prior to the Annual Meeting with the approval of the Board by majority vote.
Election to the Board of Directors shall be for a term of three (3) years. A Board Member may serve for a maximum of two (2) consecutive terms (6 years). Members of the Board should be elected at each Spring Annual Meeting by a majority of those voting members present and shall assume office at the close of the meeting. Officers shall be elected annually and are subject to a three-year-term.
Section 2.
Meetings of the Board: The Board shall hold a regular meeting on the first Wednesday of each month, except January and July, at a date, time, and place to be designated by the Board. Board Members shall receive written notice of the Board meeting no less than seven (7) days or more than fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting.
A special meeting of the Executive Board or Board of Directors may be called at any time by the President or by any Board Member.
A majority of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum to conduct business, and the Board may act by a majority of those present at a meeting.
When time sensitive issues arise between Board meetings, the President may call for an electronic vote by email or phone. The same criteria for quorum and majority shall apply.
Section 3.
Duties & Responsibilities of the Board:
- The Board shall establish the policies and direction of the Organization.
- The Board shall determine where and how funds are received and disbursed including approval of fundraising events and approval and disbursement of funds to the Library for programs, services, equipment, and any other requests as deemed relevant to the mission of the Organization.
- The Board shall work closely with the Library Director and Staff Liaison.
- The Board shall operate within the laws governing 501(c)(3) organizations.
- All Board members shall be required to attend at least six (6) of the monthly meetings in a fiscal year. After three (3) absences the Board member will be notified by mail prior to the next Board meeting stating that another absence will result in automatic resignation of the Board member.
- All Board members are expected to participate periodically in the Organization’s sponsored activities which include but are not limited to sales, events, etc.
The duties of the Officers are defined as follows:
President: Preside over all Board meetings and meetings of the membership; may co-sign all disbursement checks for the Organization; sign or cause to be signed any contracts, grants, applications or other documents relevant to the operation of the Organization.
Vice President for Membership: Maintain or cause to be maintained current membership lists; send or cause to be sent renewal, reminder and recruitment letters; coordinate publicity and promotions with the library Director and Staff Liaison person; execute duties of the Board President in case of his/her absences or inability to carry out those duties.
Secretary: Keep an accurate record of the proceedings of the Board meetings and cause to have copies distributed to Board Meetings; prepare reports of the Spring Annual Meeting; and may co-sign disbursement checks.
Treasurer: Maintain the financial books of accounts, obtain and have signed bank signature cards; reconcile monthly bank statements; prepare monthly and annual reports of the Organization’s financial condition; prepare or cause to be prepared any tax forms required for the Organization; prepare and sign checks in payment of the Organization’s financial obligations; may deposit money; may arrange change boxes and change; handle all investments of the Organization’s funds; and arrange for financial review of the books of accounts.
Section 4.
Committees: Committees of the Board may be appointed by the President. Any committees must consist of at least two (2) Board Members, and in the case of the Nominating Committee, at least three (3) Board Members.
The Board may appoint one or more committees from the general membership from time to time to conduct any business permissible under the laws of the State of Indiana. Any such committees must consist of at least two (2) individuals.
Article VI. Parliamentary Authority
Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern in all cases wherein they do not conflict with these Bylaws.
Article VII. Audits
An independent review of the financial records of the Organization shall be performed every three (3) years from prior review.
Article VIII. No Private Inurement
No part of the net earnings of the Organization shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, directors, officers, or other private persons, except that the Organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article II.
Article IX. No Political Activity
The Organization shall not directly or indirectly participate or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office by publishing or distributing of statements or otherwise. The Organization shall neither engage in activities nor have as objectives as defined in Treasury Regulation section 1.501(c)(3) -1(c)(3).
Article X. Dissolution
Upon dissolution of the Organization, the Board shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all liabilities of the Organization, dispose of all assets of the Organization exclusively for the purpose of the Organization in such manner, or to the Vigo County Public Library, if it is in existence and is still a tax exempt public library under the laws of Indiana, or otherwise to such organizations qualified as tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended from time to time, as the Board shall determine.
Article XI. Amendment
These Bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the Board membership of the Organization by a two-thirds vote of the members present, provided that notice of proposed amendments shall have been mailed to all Board members with notice of said meeting.
- Amended May 2, 1997
- Amended May 7, 1999
- Amended May 4, 2001
- Revised May 16, 2003
- Revised May 15, 2015
- Amended December 7, 2018
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Email Laraine with questions about Friends of the Vigo County Public Library.
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